GfA News

Training courses at GfA - GfA UK

Written by Admin | 18-Apr-2018 23:00:00

Over the last few months many GfA customers have benefitted from technical and product training from the GfA team. It’s proved so successful we are planning to continue to offer both bespoke and pre-set training courses during 2018 at no cost to you.


Technical training
Designed for those responsible for selecting, specifying or fitting drive and control equipment attendees learn about:

  • Working safe
  • Selecting the right drives for a given application
  • Product selection considerations
  • Diagnostics using the Bluetooth Stick
  • The skills and experience of the GfA team


Product training
Designed for members of your sales team this training provides an insight into:

  • The GfA brand and focus on quality
  • Product features and USPs
  • How to use the door industry standards to help you sell
  • How to use GfA products to increase sales and the value of sales
  • The concept, use and value of the GfA Bluetooth Stick diagnostic tool

Training dates:
Wednesday 6th June, Wednesday 15th August, Wednesday 12th September and Wednesday 14th November 2018.

To book members of your team onto one of these training sessions or request a bespoke training course for your staff contact Sue Doolan on 01926 452452 or email