ELEKTROMATEN® – Change of Technical Data
The EN 124531) standard applies to GfA ELEKTROMATEN. This standard states that the requirements of the current edition of standard EN 60335-2-1032) must also be met (➊).
As a result, some technical data of the GfA drive units must be given in an adapted or extended form (➋↴).
From 12/2021 this will lead to changed name plates (➌) and technical documents (➍).
Movements per hour ➾ cycles per hour
The movements per hour have so far described the frequency with which a drive unit was allowed to be switched per hour. One switching represented one movement (OPEN or CLOSE) (➎).
The operating cycles or cycles per hour will now be specified. One cycle represents one complete opening and closing movement (➏). It follows that the previous values are usually halved.
The second value in brackets indicates the cycles per hour according to EN 60335-2-103
If the limit switch range of the drive unit3) is not fully used, the number of possible door cycles can be increased in relation to the reduced number of revolutions of the output shaft (➐).
Effective immediately, the constant output torque in according to EN 60335-2-103 in brackets is added (➑) to the output torque.
The output torque continues to serve as the decisive value for the selection of a suitable drive unit.
The maximum holding torque (➒) was already part of the technical data for sectional-door-drive ELEKTROMATEN SE and folding-door-drive ELEKTROMATEN FT. This specification is now added to all other drive units).
This value specifies the maximum torque that can act on the output shaft of the drive unit when the door is stationary (➓). This is particularly important when the drive unit is used on balanced or partially balanced doors.
This specification ensures that the drive unit is selected so that a failure of counter-balancing does not lead to impermissible door movements.
The change will be implemented from 12/2021. Stock goods are not relabelled and can therefore still have old name plates. This also applies to the enclosed installation instructions. The following also applies:
- Current catalogue sheets and installation instructions are available on our website in the product area: https://gfa-elektromaten.com/en-GB/products.html
- The PDF of the GfA general catalogue will be updated at the beginning of 2022: https://gfa-elektromaten.com/en-DE/downloads.html
- Updated installation instructions for all GfA drive units can be accessed using the GfA portal: https://portal.gfa-elektromaten.de/en
Do you have any questions about the topic? Your sales representative will gladly advise you: https://gfa-elektromaten.com/en-GB/meet-the-team.html