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GfA UK Electrical Team Gets a Boost of New Talent and Resources

8 May 2024

GfA UK has announced its electrical team is being boosted with more talent and resources to handle increased volumes of bespoke work, special projects, and research and development.

Tim Drysch BlueGfA UK's head of electrical, Tim Drysch, said: “Our resources are being increased to provide more time for research and development into new products and applications, as well as enhancing TS control panel functionality with bespoke solutions.”

The first step in the process is Rhobat Edwards joins the team as an electrical design engineer to increase capacity for bespoke control panel requests.

Rhobat Edwards BlueRhob Edwards will continue to provide support for the wider technical team, while Tim Drysch will get more time to help develop both existing and new products into more complex applications.


Three projects recently completed by the team include a waste recycling site with specific operational procedures, a security door with interlocked locking mechanisms and battery monitoring and a site with a roller shutter requiring complex part opening sequencing.

Tim also explained: “With GfA’s increasing involvement with IoT through new products like the TS 971 Plus control panel - we know there will continue to be a growing interest and need for electrical design to support customers and their unusual and bespoke applications.

“We’re delighted to have Rhob on the team, and he is already making a positive impact by increasing our throughput of bespoke projects.”

Rhobat Edwards, joined GfA UK in January 2021 as a technical support engineer and recently joined the electrical team. 

To find out more about getting access to the GfA UK electrical team, please contact us by email or phone 01926 452 452 option 1.

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