GfA News

Barrel assembly packages available - GfA UK

Written by Admin | 15-May-2018 23:00:00

Full turnkey barrel assembly packages available for Ranger and Safedrive®

A range of unsprung chain driven and direct drive barrel assemblies is available from GfA UK. The full turnkey packages include end plates, mounting brackets, fully assembled chain driven barrels, safety brakes and are powered by our Ranger drive units with a similar direct drive barrel assembly available for the Safedrive® range.

Unsprung chain driven barrel assemblies for Ranger drives are easy to fit and ideal for ‘between wall' situations.

Four barrel sizes are available up to 168.3mm x 5mm for these Ranger drive units allowing doors up to 6m wide x 6m high to be driven, including high-usage/speed doors.


Direct drive barrel assemblies for the Safedrive® range includes barrel assemblies up to 219mm x 8mm for Safedrive® and Safedrive® Fi.

The correct combination of drive and barrel assembly can be chosen from the selection charts available from GfA UK or through discussion with the Sales Team.